Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm fucking Matt Damon

Funny video I almost pissed myself.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Paris Hilton belly Dancing nice to look at.


I recently started a new SEO blog this week, you can find it at I would appreciate it if you came to visit.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Forgetting to live

I forgot something in the last couple of years, something that I am only getting back to now, LIVING LIFE! That's right I'm screaming it. I am living a spectacular life, I am healthy, I have good, no great friends that help in this endeavour that is my life, even if I forget ounce in a while. But what makes me sad is that in those times where I forget, I breathe and that make me sad because every breath I take, during those times is a moment forgotten and I don't want to forget even one moment. I need to remember that I was given a standing order and that is to live. I don't want to forget one moment of this gift that is my life. Not only do I want to live but I want others to take part in my experience, I want to share moments with people whether they be my friends or perfect strangers. Truth be told, as much as I enjoy the moments I spend with my friends and family. I think I look forward to those unexpected moments that just sort of happen. Like a smile shared with a girl in the metro, at our age she is a woman but in that instant she is a girl and I am a boy. Like the wave from a child who doesn't know yet that he should stay away from strangers and be mistrusting of everyone. Like this time I have now, the time to sit and write what I'm thinking and feeling. We should all take the luxury to think about what we have no mater how little or how big. I just happen to be blessed with more then I deserve. I want to live life like I have nothing to do but everything and if I ever forget I want you to drag me kicking and screaming, because I will be kicking and screaming back into the life and help me, no make me remember that it is my duty to LIVE LIFE!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Yet another reason why I like Orangina

All aof you who know me know that I love Orangina, especially when served with an espresso in the French alps. Here is a great commercial that will probably never make it to North America.
Some of the puritan elements in our society would consider this short animation to be immoral. But for those of you who found my blog here it is .

Orangina Naturally Juicy